With a heart in the Gospel, a head in the Reformed tradition, a voice in the hymnals, and a hand in fellowship--North End Chapel gathers for a service of relaxed-traditional worship on Sundays at 10am.

In worship, we seek to:

  • Give ourselves to God in gratitude for all He has done (Romans 12:1-2)
  • Grow in our relationship with God as His people (Colossians 2:6-7)
  • Glorify God in praise and thanksgiving (Psalm 100)
  • And build one another up for a life of faith, hope, and love (Hebrews 10:22-25)


With a heart in the Gospel--North End Chapel seeks to faithfully study and proclaim God’s Word.

Each week, Pastor Ben looks to lead us into a deep encounter with the Gospel through in-depth Bible teaching that helps us see God’s timeless truth and how it shapes our lives today. Pastor Ben interacts with the historical setting, original languages of Greek and Hebrew, Church theologians from past to present, and detailed visuals that help all engage with the text of Scripture. It is his hope that, “Every week we see the beauty of the Gospel in a new way; one that both comforts us and challenges us, one that forms us and gives us hope. And I pray that everyone finds their faith encouraged to go out assured of all the promises of God and eager to live for Jesus.” 


With a head in the Reformed tradition--North End Chapel worships God through a Liturgical format that seeks to bring all to experience the presence and goodness of God.

Each week, from the opening of our service to it’s conclusion, our Order of Worship brings us into a conversation with God that helps us hear from God, glorify His Name, and grow closer in our walk with Him.


With a voice in the hymnals--North End Chapel sings timeless classics and modern hymns which seek to lift our hearts and voices in praise to God.

Each week, our musicians lead God’s people in music that glorifies Him, shapes our hearts in faith, and forms our lives as an essential part of worship.


With a hand in fellowship--North End Chapel seeks to be a welcoming community for all who come to worship.

Each week, there is fresh brewed coffee before the service and a time for refreshments and building relationships afterward. And we hope, whether a long time member or someone new, all find a warm and friendly welcome in faith-family hospitality. 


We welcome and encourage children to participate in our service.

To help them engage in worship, we have a Children's Sermon each week. We also have children's bulletins (ages 3-6, 7+) available in our kid's corner with activities tied to Bible passage for that morning. Activity bags with crayons and other goodies can be picked up from the activity tree and dropped back off after the service.


If you prefer to come before God in your Sunday best as a show of reverence or to come unto Him in the t-shirt and jeans of ‘just as you are’ -- there’s a place for you at NEC.

602 Comstock Blvd NE Grand Rapids MI 49505  |  616.361.0604
